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A Modern Italian Grammar.

€ 8.00


A modern Italian Grammar.
Frederic J.Jones.

This comprehensive work has been written with two purposes in mind- first to provide a complete course in Italian,and second to serve as a work of reference for the more advanced student.It will be found to meet the needs of secondary pupils and serious students at evening institutes, and it also provides an intensive course for the university student reading for a degree in Italian.

The character of the books modern and conversational rather than literary. The first half of the book builds up a general picture of the structure of the language, followed in the second half by reading passages chosen in the main from twentieth-century Italian writers.Numerous exercises, full vocabularies and an index are included. There are also twelve pages of photographs.

Joint winner of the Italian Grammar Prize Competition organised by The Society of Italian Studies.

Product Details
Paperback: 392 pages
Printed and bound in Great Brirain by R& R Clark Ltd.Edinburgh
ISBN-10: 0340156376
Language: English
First published 1960
Second edition sixth impression 1972.
Good condition

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