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Oil filter system - the world's most innovative frying oil filter and oil tester *VITO*

€ 1,400


Oil filter system - the world's most innovative frying oil filter and oil tester *VITO*

VITO oil filter systems save up to 50% costs simply by cleaning the frying oil, shortening or any other frying medium.
After 4:30 minutes your oil is clean, due to fully automatical frying oil filtration.

VITO needs no supervision and offers the highest work safety due to no contact with the hot frying medium.

Save up to 50%
You will get much better profit by significantly increasing the lifetime of your frying oil.

Optimal Quality
You will serve perfectly fried products thanks to optimal clean oil.

Less workload
You save a lot of time due to less changes of oil and cleaning of your fryer.

Fry today - Filter for our tomorrow
The use of VITO in the catering industry contributes to waste prevention through less waste oil and reduced packaging consumption. The scope of the VITO effect extends to the protection of the rainforest. Lower demand for agricultural goods reduces the need for arable land, reduces soil destruction and contributes to the preservation of a vital environment and diverse wildlife.

VITO oil filter system machine is available in different dimension , based on your oil consumption and fryer size

The cost of the Oil filter system can be deducted from taxes and you can take advantage of the government's Microinvest contribution

Contact us to calculate the savings you can achieve by using the VITO oil filtering system

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