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24KW ST-24 Alternator (230VAC) @ 1500RPM Generator

€ 1,599


Sold mereley used.
EUR100.00 The price is negotiable only if you collect it from a described location.

If transported to the desired location, a crane is required to lift it as it weighs 110 kg + €50.00 paid in advance from the capital price.

It comes with extra brushes and an extra bridge rectifier for excitation winding (free with the package).

Ideally, it is sold with

No time wasters.

Dan huwa Alternator bħall tal-istampa.

Jitnaqqsu EUR100 jekk jinġabar mill-post.
Jekk tixtieq transport nwassalulek imma mhemmx negozjar mal prezz imsemmi fit-titlu liema €50.00 minnhom jitħallsu minn qabel u jkun hemm bżonn grew crane jew hi-up żgħir għax jiżen 110Kg.

Jaħdem b'potenzjal 100% fil 100%

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