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La Tartine Gourmande

€ 6.00


La Tartine Gourmande : Gluten-Free Recipes for an Inspired Life by Beatrice Peltre
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Reduced from €30
"A gluten-free cookbook that's beautiful enough for your coffee table"
What could be sweeter than a life nourished by food and friendship? For Béatrice Peltre, to cook is to delight in the best of what life has to offer--the wholesome foods that feed us in body and soul and that deepen our connections to the people and places we love. Welcome to a world where flavors are collected as souvenirs and shared as heirlooms, and where the dishes we create are expressions of our joie de vivre.
Expand your gluten-free repertoire by using whole grains like amaranth, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, rice, and nut flours, which lend surprising depth of flavor and nutrients, even to desserts. With nearly 100 gratifyingly nutritious recipes, La Tartine Gourmande takes you on a journey, not only through the meals of the day but around the world. Though Béa's style is largely inspired by her native France, you'll find a wide array of influences, as she brings creative twists to classic recipes--all while remaining effortlessly healthful and balanced.

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