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Natuzzi Armchair(s)

€ 175


Real leather very relaxing armchair by Natuzzi in excellent condition.
Set of 2 available. If taken as a set the price will be reduced to €150 each.
For style, shape and colour please see photo.

If interested contact me here via Maltapark message. Price negotiable.

Pultruna tal-ġilda vera rilassanti ħafna minn Natuzzi f'kundizzjoni eċċellenti.
Sett ta' 2 disponibbli. Jekk jittieħed bħala sett il-prezz jitnaqqas għal €150 kull wieħed.
Għal stil, forma u kulur jekk jogħġbok ara r-ritratt.

Jekk interessat ikkuntattjani hawn permezz tal-messaġġ tal-Maltapark. Prezz negozzjabli.

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