Mudell ta'kajjik tal-injam: Racing boat model
€ 50.00
Mudell ta'kajjik tal-injam bhal dawk li jintuzaw fir-regatta tradizzjonali.
F'kundizzjoni eccellenti
This is a wooden model of a racing boat resembling the ones which are used for the National annual races.
In excellent condition
Measurement: 31cm long by 9cm wide.
Good value for money for the Regatta lovers.
Prices at: 50 Euros
Contact: 79054079 or 79278546
F'kundizzjoni eccellenti
This is a wooden model of a racing boat resembling the ones which are used for the National annual races.
In excellent condition
Measurement: 31cm long by 9cm wide.
Good value for money for the Regatta lovers.
Prices at: 50 Euros
Contact: 79054079 or 79278546
Item Details
Hobbies & Crafts