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Italian Books Readers Comic Books to learn italian italiano | Mega 2000, Giovani Marmotte

€ 4.00


Picture 1
1. Pericolo di estinzione
2. Mistero a bordo
3. Il gioiello scomparso
4. Missione segreta
5. Gli scienziati pazzi
Readers for 4euro each

6. Paperamses
7. I grandi Classici (green)
8. I grandi Classici (yellow)
9. Super Pippo SOLD
10. Paperino
Comic books 4euro each

11. Giovani Marmotte 1 SOLD
12. Giovani Marmotte 2 SOLD
13. Giovani Marmotte 3 SOLD
14. Giovani Marmotte 4 SOLD
15. Giovani Marmotte 5 SOLD
Comic books for 5euro each

16. Piccoli Brividi SOLD
17. Piccoli Brividi SOLD
18. Piccoli Brividi - Il Vampiro di Chiaccio SOLD
Readers books for 5euro each

19. Tex Il Passato di Carson
20. Tex
21. Tex Assalto al forte
Comic books for 4euro each

Picture 2-3
22. Giovani Marmotte 17 books
Book 8, 16, 18, 22, 26, 28-29, 31, 35-40, 42, 45
3.50euro each

Picture 4
23. Mega 2000 Comic books - Slo storie nuove - 14 books
Book 472, 475-476, 479, 481, 483-484, 488, 491-492, 494, 502, 504, 513
3.50euro each

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