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Atlantic Marine Fibreglass Boat Open 625 / 20.5'

€ 26,500


The Atlantic Open 625 powerboat is produced by the brand Atlantic Marine since 2013. The Atlantic Open 625 is a 6.04 meters center console boat with accommodation for 7 people and a draft of 0.40 meters. The boat has a fiberglass / grp hull with a CE certification class (C)

Ryan - 7979 7962

Length of hull: 5.80 m
Beam over­all: 2,51 m
Beam of hull: 2.47 m
Weight w/​​o en­gine: 850 kg
Max­i­mal no of per­sons: 7
Max­i­mal load: 830 kg
Fuel tank: 120 l
Max­i­mal en­gine(s) Power: 200HP
Length of the en­gine col­umn: L

Why Choose At­lantic Ma­rine?

1️⃣ Proven Track Record: With 27 years in the mar­ket and a solid po­si­tion in France’s boat sales, At­lantic Ma­rine has es­tab­lished it­self among the top brands in the up to 8m seg­ment.

2️⃣ Hand­crafted Ex­cel­lence: Their boats are metic­u­lously crafted by hand, en­sur­ing high-qual­ity lam­i­nate and at­ten­tion to de­tail.

3️⃣ At­ten­tion to De­tail: Their strong suit lies in im­pec­ca­ble de­tail­ing, a fea­ture that’s con­sis­tently praised by cus­tomers.

4️⃣ Safety & Height: Em­pha­siz­ing high and safe de­signs, At­lantic Ma­rine of­fers a sense of se­cu­rity on the wa­ter.

5️⃣ Dura­bil­ity & Com­fort: Heav­ier build than sim­i­lar-sized boats en­sures dura­bil­ity, promis­ing a smoother ride even in chal­leng­ing seas.

6️⃣ Pre­mium Qual­ity: At­lantic Ma­rine prides it­self on be­ing the pin­na­cle of qual­ity in the mar­ket, of­fer­ing the best that money can buy.

These at­trib­utes make At­lantic Ma­rine boats a com­pelling choice for those seek­ing re­li­a­bil­ity, safety, and un­par­al­leled crafts­man­ship in their sea­far­ing ex­pe­ri­ences.

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