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The Two Natures

€ 7.00


The Selected Works of Cyril Connolly Volume Two : The Two Natures
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Reduced from €23
Cyril Connolly, the celebrated essayist and critic, lived a turbulent creative and personal existence at the heart of the English literary and artistic world until his death in 1974. The Two Natures is the second and final volume of his Selected Works, edited by his son Matthew Connolly. It opens with `An Edwardian Boyhood', from his early masterpiece, Enemies of Promise - a frequently charming, occasionally horrifying and unflinchingly honest account of his youth and formative influences.
The centrepiece of this volume is The Unquiet Grave, Connolly's most famous work, originally published under the pseudonym Palinurus. Written during the Second World War, this unique and inspiring book is a dreamlike and passionate but also sombre meditation on the pinnacles of European culture from ancient times to the present, now threatened again by barbarian darkness.

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