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€ 5.00


Extradited : One Man's Prison Hell and His Lover's Fight for Justice By John Packwood, Jane Amestoy, Andrew Crofts
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Reduced from €23
A man wrongly imprisoned in a foreign country for drug smuggling and the girlfriend who led the fight to free him tell this extraordinary account of prison horror and endurance, laced with romance and adventure. John Packwood and Jane Amestoy alternate chapters as they recount John's Spanish imprisonment and extradition to Morocco, as Jane's case eventually catches the attention of politicians, human rights campaigners, and celebrities such as George Clooney, Hugh Grant, Joseph Fiennes, Damien Hirst, and Annie Lennox. With the combined efforts of Jane's hard work and the snowballing power behind them, John was eventually freed after 13 uncertain months in an unforgiving foreign system.

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