Electrician and/or Plumber
Oliver Electrics
An electrician and/or plumber needed to work permanently and on a full-time basis with a minimum one year of experience in this field. Salary varies according to skills and experience. One needs to be able to work with a team mate and ideally do good quality work on his own.
Apply ONLY if you already have a permit to work and live in Malta.
Call on 99015853 or Send a CV via e-mail.
Bzonn ta' persuna biex tahdem permanenti full-time u li ghandha ta' l-anqas sena esperjenza fix-xoghol tad-dawl u/jew ilma. Paga tvarja skond l-hiliet u l-esperjenza. Irid ikun kapaci jahdem ma' persuni ohra u idejalment kapaci jaghmel xoghol tajjeb wahdu.
Irid ikollu l-permess biex jahdem Malta. Cempel 99015853 jew ibghat CV permezz ta' e-mail.
Minimum 12 months experience in electrical and/or plumbing works.
Ideally in possession of a driving licence.